Bean IPM

Legume ipmPIPE Diagnostic Series

Ascochyta Blight

Aschochyta rabiei, A. phaseolorum, A. pisi, A. lentis, A. pinodes and Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella


Figure 1 – Ascochyta blight symptoms: elongate lesions on stems (top), and circular lesions on leaves (bottom right) and pods (bottom left).

Figure 2 – Circular arrangement of pycnidia (structures that produce infective spores) on both stem (left) and leaf (right).

Figure 3 – Effect of infection on seed size and quality. Seeds (top) harvested from pods (bottom) collected from a severely infested field—healthy (left) and infected (right).

Factors favoring
  • Infected seed, infested debris and volunteers from previous seasons
  • Rainstorms and sprinkler irrigation
  • Moderate temperatures with daily highs less than 25°C [77°F]
Elongate lesions on stems (top), and circular lesions on leaves (bottom right) and pods (bottom left).
Figure 1
Circular arrangement of pycnidia
Figure 2
Effect of infection on seed size and quality.
Figure 3

R.M. Harveson, University of Nebraska, S.G. Markell, North Dakota State University, and M. Burrows, Montana State University

Photo credits

Courtesy of R.M. Harveson and S.G. Markell