Sarasinuala plebeia
Bean slug, Sarasinuala plebeia, can consume entire leaves or even seedlings and also feed on pods. Slime trails often are present on affected plants. Adults live 12-18 months and reach 5-7 cm in length. Most damage occurs along the borders of fields, especially in weedy fields near streams. An estimated economic injury level is 0.25 slugs/m2. It is an intermediate host for Angiostrongylus costaricensis, and A. cantonensis which are nematodes pathogenic to humans.
Factors favoring
- Presence of previously infested crop debris
- Lack of crop rotation
- Poor sanitation of previous legume and weed debris
- Contaminated seed
- Susceptible varieties
- Moderate to high moisture conditions favor slugs

Sarasinuala plebeia

Sarasinuala plebeia
Additional Resources
PIPE:Legume - - Dry Bean Production & Pest Management
Photo credits
Frank Peairs, Colorado State University,