Vigna unguiculata unguiculata
Legume Types
- Cowpea
- Black-eyed Pea
- Southern Pea
Vegetative Growth Stages
VE • Seedling emergence
VC • Two cotyledons & primary leaves at nodes 1 & 2
V1 • 1st trifoliolate leaf unfolded at node 3
V2 • 2nd trifoliolate leaf unfolded at node 4
V3 • 3rd trifoliolate leaf unfolded at node 5
V4 • 4th trifoliolate unfolded at node 6 + branching
Vn • nth trifoliolate leaf unfolded at node (n+2) [Fig. 1]
Reproductive Growth Stages
R1 • One open flower on the plant (early bloom) [Fig. 2]
R2 • 50–100% of flowers are open (full bloom)
R3 • One pod at maximum length (early pod set)
R4 • 50% of pods at maximum length (mid pod set)
R5 • One pod with fully developed seeds (early seed fill)
R6 • 50% of pods with fully developed seeds [Fig. 3]
Physiological Maturitty
R7 • One pod at mature color (physiological maturity)
RH • 80% of pods at mature color (harvest maturity)

Additional Resources Available at:
- - Compendium of Bean Diseases
Courtesy of H. F. Schwartz [03/10]