COMMON HOSTS: legumes in Cicer, Lens, Medicago, Pisum, Trifolium, and/or Vicia species may be susceptible to one or more pea viruses transmitted by various aphid species in a persistent or nonpersistent manner.
Figure 1 • Bean leaf roll virus (BLRV), luteovirus. symptoms include chlorosis and stunting of foliage, with misshapen and poorly filled pods.
Figure 2 • Pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV), Enamovirus. symptoms include translucent flecks (windows), enations, veinclearing, and deformed leaves; stunted plants; deformed and twisted pods.
Figure 3 • Pea mosaic virus (PeMV), potyvirus. PeMV is a strain of Bean yellow mosaic virus distinguished by its vivid yellow mosaic in pea.
Figure 4 • Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV),potyvirus, seed transmitted. symptoms include downward
leaf rolling, plant deformation, mild chlorosis, veinclearing, mosaic and general stunting, possibly with split or banded seed.
Figure 5 • Pea streak virus (PesV), carlavirus. symptoms include purple to brown streaks on stems and petioles, and small brown streaks on leaves and pods which may abort.
• Presence of aphid vector, either colonizing or migratory
• Infected perennial legumes nearby, e.g., alfalfa, clover,vetch
• Seed with virus infected embryos; seed transmission is variable depending on the variety (e.g., PSbMV)
• susceptible varieties
• infection at V1–V4 enhances symptom severity, reduced pod set, poor seed fill, and yield loss