Protocols based on National Crop Insurance Standards.
Compare and document damaged and non-damaged portions of field or fields of the same variety and plant age.
Record variety, row width, emerged density in row ______
Record stage of plant growth (VE to RH) ______
Record dates of planting, storm event(s), evaluation ______
Measure number of plants remaining (Fig. 1) in 1 bed by 20 ft = 1/1000 Acre at 5 representative sites in the affected area of the field; subtract number remaining from emerged plants to estimate % plant loss.
Plant Stand (number/acre) ______
Estimate percent of foliage (Fig. 2), stems and branches (Fig. 3) damaged (torn) or removed by the storm activity in 1 bed by 20 ft at 5 representative sites.
Foliage, Stems & Branches (percent loss) ______
Evaluate percent of pods for evidence of storm damage (as cuts, nicks, dents, bruises) on exposed outer pod walls (Fig. 4) and discolored or shriveled seeds on 10 to 25 plants at 5 representative sites (Fig. 5)
Pods & Seeds (percent affected) ______

- - Compendium of Bean Diseases 2nd Ed.
Courtesy of H. F. Schwartz [02/2011]